Monday, June 4, 2012

Swimming with Sharks

Storms are very predictable, the clouds get dark, the rain starts, thunder , lightning. Then follows the sunrise the morning after. But no matter how violent and scary the storm may seem, you can always count on the morning, and a quiet after-storm peace to follow. In relationships, not so much.

They are unpredictable, when storms hit you never know when you'll see the morning light. Or if the tornado will just take you away like Dorothy. Sending you to a new world of, well, most likely single-ness.  Storms come and go, some more violent than others, some light and quick. Like that quick 30 minute rain shower right as you pull up to the beach that you just have to wait out. Then you have those storms in relationship that no matter how long you seem to wait, the skies never clear, and you end up going back home, disappointed, pale, and with a load of crap in your trunk.
It seems to be the question we always ask in relationship. Can we weather the store? Or will we pack up early and go home?

Most of the time you have to live it and learn it. If you live through it, you can tell the scary storm stories. If you don't, well, you still tell the scary storm stories, just without a happy ending, and normally your homeless, and broke. Speaking in terms of a real storm tragedy, of course. Not relationships. ;)

But when your storms do come, youve gotta hold on to that umbrella, hold you towel tight and barely make it out alive. Because once it clears, you realize youve got got a whole beach to explore, and a whole lot of fish in the sea :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

If happy ever after did exsist

Perfection seems to be the new trend now. Perfect hair, perfect teeth, perfect weight, perfect job, perfect car, perfect life, perfect relationship. And everyone seems to get so upset when we cant be perfect. Even though perfection is impossible. Our faces arnt naturally proportional, one foot is always longer than the other, and no matter how hard we try nobody can even reach the perfect body. Your either too skinny, too fat, too fit, too flimsy. Because no matter how hard we try for perfection, someone always has to point out some flaw in us, because we cant handle perfection.

So why do we try so hard for it?
Im tired of reaching for perfection in life, in being the perfect girl.

I will never be perfect in anyway. So im stopping to try and get there. Reality is ill never marry my celebrity crush..or crushes. Ill never be 104 lbs, and my hair will probably never look exactly how i always want it too. My makeup will have smudges, my stomach probably wont ever have rock hard abs, no matter how hard i imagine them there. I will never find the perfect man, or have a perfect relationship.
And i dont really want a perfect life. You dont hear songs about guys falling for perfect women, the best songs are the ones about the girl with the flaw, the quirky trait that makes her mesmerizing. Not the girl who has no problems and no flaws. Because nobody likes perfect people, it makes normal people feel below average. Which is stupid.

And basically, im tired of seeing people throw so much into fitting in to the image, and the trends of today. Im tired of trying to fit into those molds.

Its exhausting. And its killing me.
So from now on, i dont really care what anyone thinks i should do, look like or be. Because im actually going to live my life with flaws. My tattoo on my arm reminds me daily to be free, to not let anyone sway you to doing or being someone you dont want to be or do, just because they think its what it best for you. So now im done letting reality and the world telling me who im supposed to be by the time im 21, im even tired of the stereotypes i see in the Church, making me feel like im behind in life because im not on some different level of my life. Because i dont have everything figured out, im single and not looking for everyone to try and find me a boyfriend, or telling me i need to go to school now because if i wait ill never go.

My life isnt figured out, and im fine with that. Im figuring it out as i live it. Im trying not to judge and mold people into stereotypes based on what i see and think of their life. Because the fact is, that we are all in this together. And if we cant even accept each others flaws, and imperfections in life we will just end up being alone.

I just had some things i needed to get off my chest, and blogging helps. And putting my thoughts into words, because i think too much, and say too little. So im working on that too.
So judge me and think what you want, but im trying my best, and if its not good enough for you,  im sorry.

But im done trying to be perfect.

Monday, February 13, 2012

That moment when you feel like a mom.

      The Truth is, people don't really know if they are ready for anything until they actually try it. If you fail, you know your not ready, If you succeed, you can take steps forward to what you jumped in too, hoping it wouldn't be a fail and a waste of time. With that being said im a very...irrational person at times. I make decisions without thinking, and do things without caring about the consequences. It bothers some people, i know it does. But its just how i am.
    To make a point of that paragraph, i just recently adopted a puppy. More like a child, but he is a handful. And after almost 4 weeks of constant supervision, taking him everywhere i go, dropping wayy to much money on him, and trying to potty train him. But through that all Ive realized many things about being a mom.
One: I think im fine being the mom of a dog for now...and probably for a good bit.. mothering a child can come later in life... when im rich and fabulous;)
Two: Its a lot harder than it looks. Its not all cute, and baby talk. Its cleaning up pee, hand feeding my spoiled puppy, teaching him to to obey, and making sure he doesn't turn into a mean, crazy pooch.
Three: People jump into a lot of things before they are ready.

     Responsibility, I believe is something that comes hand in hand with experience. You have to experience things, fail at things to actually learn how to be responsible. I had to adopt a puppy to actually understand what being self-less means, And that children and Husband's are a lot harder to handle than puppies. Responsibility is knowing that your not ready for things and being okay with it. Just because everyone else seems to be doing it, doesn't mean you have to feel bad, or out of place for not doing it. They might think they are ready, but you know your not ready. So i would say that you come out on the better end, but that's just me. Having Duke made me realize that i kinda don't want to be a mom or a wife...yet. And probably not for a good bit. I honestly love my life too much, and me being the only person i have to worry about (Other than Duke of course!) I think we forget just how much we actually love the freedom of not having to answer for anyone other than ourselves, until we actually do have to be responsible for another person, or being.
      I guess considering Valentine's Day is tomorrow, i decided to blog this. Because people become Idiot's on valentines day, saying things they can never do, promising the world and love and luxury and all that jazz, but never really wanting the responsibility of what comes with it all. Gag me please!Im soo not a V-day Hater, but the holiday itself is one of those things that ive never really cared for. But i guess this really wasn't about much, just my self-realization that i don't want to live out Fool's Rush In, atm. And that Valentine's Day is tomorrow, and that Ive never really needed a man to tell m how much he loves me on this Holiday...because darling's the truth is...I love myself enough for the two of us;)
  And you may think that sounds conceited, but if you've gone through the life i have, you realize you should never care what people think, and that loving yourself is one of the hardest things to do, and once you finally do, you never regret it. And i never will :)

Happy Valentine's Day Babes! Kisses and Hugs from me to you! <3

Friday, January 13, 2012