Monday, August 29, 2011


So let me start off by saying this is not a vent, complaining, hate the world blog.
Its one of those things where you wish you could say these things in public, to people and in life, but you cant. So ive decided to blog about them. Because everyone is bothered by some of these things.
With that being said, i would like to express my feelings on a few small things :)

    Have you ever said something, posted something, or mentioned something and the wrong person always see's it? Or take it the worst way possible. And somehow before you know it, you have people that are not even in your so called 'social circle' are asking you a million of questions and assuming things about your life and your situations. This happens to me, well, too much, and too a variety of my friends. Why must people feel that they must ask you hundreds of questions about your life, the choices you make and the people you are involved with. I personally have no problem telling people off, no matter what age or status they are. When you interrupt into my life and my privacy, you give up me being nice to you, because you've stepped outside of the 'comfort' zone with me and tramped all over my personal life, therefore, you get no polite smiles anymore.
  And im not going to lie, it becomes exhausting trying to protect everything you say and do, and having to constantly have an answer for everything. Maybe im just tired, and over-sensitive, but i know i cant be alone in this. Rebounding questions about you relationship, your future, your every plan to people who you don't even know very well, and some you don't even like.  Ive developed a name for them: Syrup Smackers. What you ask, is a syrup-smacker? Someone who has to smack their lips in everyone's business, and make everything sticky and messy. The more they open their mouths, and the more they ask and talk the messier and sticker they make the situation, And before you know it, your drowning in a overpowering sticky, noticeably blunt and unwanted conversation or string of questioning. Because like syrup, once they get the first question out, no matter how many time you wipe your hands, it still feels sticky, and heavy.
I guess my frustrating is me wondering when did it be okay for people who are supposed to support and care about you genuinely become so over bearing and such a weight?
I guess it became OK the minute they traded  their own private lives the minute they posted that first Facebook status, or that first tweet,blog, or some other social network site, and now expect you to do the same.

Check out my Word Dictionary: @  That Means What?


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