Friday, November 11, 2011

London Calling!

 You ever have that moment in the car.. the shower..your bed or any random place when you sit back and wonder what your even doing? And you dont even know. Your thinking about where your life is.. and what you doing with it, and at the end of that extremely dramatic 2 minutes, you realize you have absolutely no idea what your doing. It is in those moments i want to do something spontaneous, dangerous or irresponsible. I thrive for those moments, because in that moment you feel more alive than ever, And dont pretend like this doesn't happen to you. That moment in the store when you have gotten everything you need, but you see that tub of ice cream, or that shirt and your have this moment where you stare at the item, and go over your choices, whether or not your going to get it, or keep moving on.
Some times you just shrug your shoulders, already talking yourself out of it, push the buggy on and switch your mind over to something else, passing the moment all together.

But you know.. its that one time that you do get it. You do drop that tub of ice cream on top of your slim fast's or grab that hott dress off the rack and hang those ugly khaki pants you need for work back on the rack. It's in those moments that you feel alive, confident and spontaneous. Some might be more calm than others..some might have you ending up with a tattoo, or bright orange hair. But you know you've done it before, and that after reading this, feel the need to go do something spontaneous and out of character.

I find that we need this in our lives, I need this in my life. Those thing's that make you feel alive, that make you feel inspired. Movie's, music, places, smells, certain taste's can make something inside you go "Yes!"
I find we are all craving something to make us feel alive, to remind us that there is something more than just what is in front of us, that there is an entire world waiting to be experienced.

I guess the bad thing, the scary thing about those moments is when you go back to how life is. How you actually live your life, and the moment passes. When those moments you had feel like i dream, they dont even feel like you. Apparently though, im one of few that have these feelings or experience these moment's. Apart of me wants routine, wants to be "normal" and have everything normal, and smooth, apart of me really does.
But then there is this side of me that doesn't. That is dying for something more out of my existence.

So today.. in being Saturday the 12th im going to do something spontaneous, irresponsible (to some people) and adventurous. Im going to Be Free. 

& you will just have to wait and see what i do.

Saturday the 12th, 3:05 pm:
 Be Free Baby, Be Free.


nowjustthinkabouit said...

You DID get tattooed that day?? =) hahaha.

I definetely have those days. I also know the frustrating feeling of having to come back to reality again after those I-just-do-whatever-I-want-to-do-right-now-moments. But the rarity of those moments makes them special!

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