Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Never-Ending Blog Post.

         You know what drives me carazyyy? Incomplete endings. Example A: Gossip Girl. Its become my favorite pastime to divulge myself into this fabulous world that Netflix so generously offers in 4 seasons. Im on Season 3, yes ill say it now, i have too much free time.  But in this show, it seems that there can never be a complete, or happy ending. There is always conflict between someone, scheming and severing relationships, and the constant outrageous drama that I've found myself addicted too. But there are other things that just dont ever end.. like this one series of books i read.
The author was Cassandra Clare, and it was called... The Mortal Instruments or something.. i honestly cant remember. But anyway, she wrote 3 books in this series, and i read them and enjoyed them immensely. The last book ended on a good page, with a solid, fulfilled and completed ending.. Then. She wrote another book, a fourth random one that prolonged and continued the story even more. I thought this was amazing, because the first three were so good. The two main characters still somehow couldn't end up together, happy. It was a horrible ending and furthermore just completely pissed me off and made me feel like no-one ever writes about happy people anymore. It became the book series that was never going to end for me, it was good where it stopped, but people got greedy and another one was written, making the first three feel like i had wasted my time even reading them, when the end result was a 'ail', with a capital F. God help us if Stephanie Meyer (A.k.A- i cant really write, but somehow i made billions of dollars off poorly structured sentences and strange knowledge of all things sparkly and evil.) writes a  fifth Twilight, i might literally move to Sweden, where everything is legal, except Twilight Books. :)
But considering this isn't about Stephanie VampMeyer.
  But ive just notived this recently.. that things today just are never-endingly unfinishable. I have no idea if that is really a word, but i just made it one, Stephanie would be so proud. That movies, books & tv shows are going to drag out forever until one day someone asks "Why is that show even on? Nobody watches it?" Like Grey's Anatomy.. I still dont understand how that is still making money...

But do you understand what im saying? I hate that feeling, probably like the feeling your getting now. Why am i reading this blog? It has no point... And she keeps going on about something but i can seem to find the actual point in it... But im still reading.. Oh look its ending. Well.. that was... un- fulfilling.

Im sorry if you feel that way now, maybe i can help. I'm going to list the things that drive me crazy by not ending... unless you have read or watched anything Ive mentioned above, you might not understand much of it. But hey, its a good time waster :)

  1.  Why couldnt Bella pick Jacob, clearly the logical choice.
  2. ^ That had nothing to do with this blog.
  3. Why cant Chuck just have one episode where someone isnt trying to ruin his life.
  4. Why must Serena sleep with EVERYONE?
  5. Why did no one tell Stephanie Meyer she couldnt write?
  6. Why did no one suggest she direct the first 3 twilight movies? The 4th was LEGIT.
  7. Ive wondered why Grey's Anatomy is still on.. they have killed off basically everyone on the show. Katherine Heigl was the best... But she had to get cancer. And George died. Boo.
  8. Will the show The Office ever actually end?
  9. Is it Snow White Month? They have like 3 movies coming out.
  10. I bought a tub of Cookie Dough Ice Cream, and some actual choc. chip cookie dough.. just in case the ice cream tasted bad. It was like 7$.. i was kinda upset about this price. Thats alot for dough.
  11. I just realized i dont really remember why i was started to blog? If you do.. leave me a comment.. i dont ever get any.. ever.
  12. Follow me on Tumblr. Wee hee!
  13. Im not tired.. and its 1:47am.. 
  14. Im torn between Gossip Girl, or Vampire Diaries.. they are each so.. stupid, yet addicting.
  15. I need a new phone, mine is about to implode.
  16. Skyrim.
  17. ^ Legit.

&&& P.S: If you actually check this alot.. always check my Events! Section ^> Up and over there somewhere. But if your lazy.. this is what's coming up on my calender.. you should come with :)


    Michelle Joy said...

    unlike Stephanie Meyer... YOU actually CAN write!
    so please keep blogging!
    everything about you inspires.
    (there. hows that for a comment?)

    nowjustthinkabouit said...

    Hi. It`s Christoph, if you`ve wondered.

    I just want to say I find your blog very easy to read,interesting, thoughtful.

    About this entry:
    I totally agree with you. Although I have not seen or read -I think - any of the named books or tv shows, I totally agree with the money-making attitude of those money-wanting people.

    As I have told you when you were in germany I love Batman Begins and all films of its director Christopher Nolan. This guy is now bringing the Batman trilogy to a close. I have read and watched many interviews about it. He "brings the story back around to the beginning" was said for example. It is a closed all-in-all story. That is so good. I like that too.

    I guess the world is just full of inconsistency that drives one nutts when you don`t have those rather rare things that actually are reliable, truthful in itself, not compromised by money-interests.

    Thank you for posting this!!!

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