Friday, December 23, 2011

Sianara Season's!

        So.. My boyfriend has been pestering me about writing a blog about him. Now im normally against such gloating and chest puffing about people in my personal life. Especially those closest to my heart. But being it on the Eve of Christmas, at 2AM, ive decided to go against better judgement, and write a short excerpt about my love.

    The Boyfriend means alot to me, in alot of different ways. First and foremost he is my best friend, has been for quite a long time and probably will always be. Second he is the reasoning voice in my head that tells me not to do things potentially dangerous to my heath.. and third he is my significant other, my love, my +1, my boyfriend. :) I wont go telling you our love story, if you really want to know, ask him, its such a long story ;)

      But to go on bragging for a small moment, is the one thing that i love so dearly about him. Is that he has never asked me to change who i am. There have been moments when i thought he did, or was trying to, but in the end it was always my best interest in his heart, and never any attempt to change me into someone else.  No matter how many crazy, off the wall dreams i have he has never once told me i couldn't do it. Maybe a disapproving glance or laugh of amusement at some of my more, risque and dangerous plans, but never a no. Except on the subject of  a nose piercing, which one day i might eventually win him over.

    And i know im a very shifting, and changing person. Like all the time. I have a new dream or plan every few months, the same urges and get-away escapes, sometimes dramatic and sometimes not. But no matter what i end up doing at the end of the day, somehow he still finds it in him to kiss my forehead goodnight and  try and give me everything i need, and promises that one day he will give me everything i want, not matter how shiny, or how expensive ;) Maybe he didnt say it in those words.. but im sure it was something like that. 

  Just kidding.. maybe ;) But i guess Ive really said what i wanted to say about him. Its easy to love someone who is willing to change to fit your idea of a perfect relationship, but it takes alot to put up with someone's faults and flaws, and even though they have them and might not like them, they still never ask them to change. And he knows that somewhere deep down that if he ever asked me to change i would, only for him. But more points to him, for never asking me too :)

    Well its Christmas Eve, and all is quiet in the house, nothing is stirring not even a mouse. Because my mouse died. Of unknown and suspicious causes.. Oliver and my mother are my main suspects but no-one has caved...yet. Oh and le boyfriend helped me build a little grave for little Dolce. It was so sweet.

Hope your holiday season has been wonderful, and this weekend is white and jolly :) Now off to dreamland to wish for snow, Chanel, and a penthouse in the Upper East Side. Oh Gossip Girl how you fuel my fashion flame. <3


Michelle Joy said...

this was such a lovely and refreshing read... in a world where it seems so many complain about boys, I'm delighted to find you happy and filled with a God-planned romance. :)
love ya girl!

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